Stop Wasting Money On High Energy Bills

We Perform Home-Energy Audits For Denver… And We Can Pinpoint Where & How Your Home Is Inefficient.

Home Energy Audits for Denver - Denver Furnace and AC

We open your front door, attach the blower door equipment, and create a negative pressure in your home. This shows us exactly where the inefficiencies are coming from.

Home Energy Audits for Denver - Denver Furnace and AC

Our infrared cameras show proof-positive evidence of inefficiencies.

Lots of Denver HVAC companies talk about solving your WASTED ENERGY problem, but most of them are simply taking a “shot in the dark.” Would you let a doctor operate on you or give you medication without a diagnosis first? Of course not! And you shouldn’t take energy savings advice from anyone who doesn’t have the right tools to diagnose your home’s problems, either.

Our approach is different. We perform a complete HOME ENERGY AUDIT for Denver homes… and we can find out exactly where your problems are.

First, our expert team will interview you (Inquire about drafts, warm rooms, etc.), then conduct a thorough visual inspection of every single room in your house—basement to attic, and everything in between.

As part of our Denver ENERGY AUDITS, we’ll conduct a “BLOWER DOOR TEST,” designed to create negative pressure in your home that then allows us to pinpoint problem areas with an infrared camera. It only takes about 30 minutes, and causes no disruption to your home.

Based on what we find we’ll construct an “Energy Blueprint” that will allow you to work on the biggest problems first, according to your budget.

Solutions often include upgrading your heating and cooling system (including the units themselves and/or the ductwork), weather-stripping, windows, doors, insulation, and more. Your “Energy Blueprint” will tell you exactly where to start.

Call us right now to ask any questions about our Home Energy Audits for Denver, or to schedule a time for yours!